Tea at Five captures the fiery spirit of Katharine Hepburn in a show that recounts her journey from a well-heeled Yankee childhood to winner of four Oscars. Ensconced at her beloved Fenwick home, Ms. Hepburn reflects on the dizzying heights and emotional lows of her upbringing, her adventures in show business and her heartbreaking romance with Spencer Tracy. Audiences leave with new memories of one of the most dearly loved ladies of an era.
Performances : June 16, 23, 24, 30 and July 1, 2023, shows begin at 7.30 pm, doors open at 7 pm.
Venue: Kleine Bühne Gießen, Bleichstr. 28, 35390 Gießen
Tickets: Haus der Karten, Kreuzplatz 6, 35390 Gießen; (0641) 7957 -60/ -61 or online: http://tickets.keller-theatre.de
Adult: € 14,- (advance sale € 14,50)
Students/Disabled: € 10,- (advance sale € 10,50) *)
*) Please present your student/disabled ID card on show nights.
Further information see: http://www.keller-theatre.de
Looking forward to seeing you.